Features Iobit Game Booster:
• Ease of use
• Clear memory, the temporary suspension of the background processes and improve processor performance
• Automatic and manual modes
• User-friendly multilingual interface
Its main advantages:
* One Click
Game Booster is extremely easy to use. The intuitive interface makes Game Booster the perfect tool for novice users running on a single click.
* Speeds up the game
Game Booster is allocating more CPU power and RAM to your games, which allows your games to work at peak performance vozmzmozhnoy.
* Defrag game files
With the improved engine, Game Booster can quickly defragment files and directories play to your games load and run faster than ever.
* Increased the game stability
Game Booster prevents and avoids possible conflicts and incompatibility, by temporarily closing background processes and unnecessary services Windows.
* Safe, Secure and Free
Game Booster does not overclock your computer hardware does not change the Windows registry and system settings.
* Fine Tune-Up Game new settings!
- Fine-tuning of the mouse, keyboard, game controllers, and specialized with ease.
- Intuitive and friendly interface.
Download Here :
- Downlaod | Iobit Game Booster 3.3.0 Final
- Password : www.metal-xp.net
Selamat mencoba ^_^
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